Author Topic: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot  (Read 25814 times)

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Offline ShiFu

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The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« on: September 20, 2017, 07:33:58 AM »
Note: See updates here.

This advanced and feature-rich eParrot is easy and inexpensive to build.

It also sports the world's first Custom-3D-Printed Enclosure for an eParrot.

And everything here is open source, ready for you to make your own copy.
So solder it together, print it yourself or ask a friend for help.
Everything you need you will find here.

intro screen.png The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* intro screen.png (132.09 kB. 350x197 - viewed 7223 times.)

A basic recap of this project's features are:

The hardware selection is designed to achieve a highly functional eParrot with a minimum of assembly time, product sourcing, effort and cost.

The software that powers this project includes:
  • The System Setup and Calibration. It is easy to use and it is menu driven. It saves changes to memory so they are not lost after powering off.
  • The ability to use two or more thermometer sensors. One for the boiler and one for the still head are covered in this manual.
  • Each thermometer sensor can be calibrated using the on-screen menu. And that calibration is also saved to memory so it is not lost unless the on-board battery is dead or removed.
  • It includes 4 alarm set-points and an on-board buzzer alarm.
  • It can be programed for the back-light to change colors which adds a new visual layer for the distiller.
  • The on-board barometer automatically corrects the displayed %ABV of the distillate to compensate for barometric pressure changes.
  • The code checks to insure the barometer and thermometer sensors are working before you can continue to the Main display screen.
  • The remaining time needed for boil-up is updated and displayed until Fores are produced.
  • It has an on-board Real Time Clock that is set up and ready for data logging once the time has been set in the menu. Plug in a SD card and go.
  • The potential alcohol remaining in the boiler is displayed.
And Most Important, it is an eParrot after all so %ABV is constantly displayed on the Main screen.

Stay calm and follow the screaming people.

Offline ShiFu

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2017, 05:12:30 AM »
Stay calm and follow the screaming people.

Offline ShiFu

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2017, 06:17:03 AM »
STEP ONE - The Hardware

You need to gather the following parts. I paid about $25 for everything but your mileage may vary.

** Arduino Uno R3 - available everywhere (make sure you order the 328p version).
** BMP280 Barometer
** Data Logging Shield
** RGB LCD Shield
** micro SD card flexible extension cable (eBay? Amazon? About 12 inches long is good.) Remove plastic end before using.
** 2 each DS18B20 sensors, 2 each 4K7 resistors, a micro-SD card for data logging, and several screw terminals to connect the sensor wires to the Data Shield.

Pin D9 from the RGB LCD shield must be removed as it interferes with the CS pin of the Data logger shield.

D9 pin removed.png The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* D9 pin removed.png (189.69 kB. 350x262 - viewed 6982 times.)
Stay calm and follow the screaming people.

Offline ShiFu

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2017, 02:55:36 PM »
STEP TWO - The Software

While waiting on the hardware to arrive, get Edwin's RGB LCD Sketch to compile on the Uno.
You really do want the sketch working to troubleshoot the installation of the sensors.

Start Here to download the sketch and libraries. Also, give a read to the friendly manual to help get the libraries set up.

I think it is important to remind everyone to empty your Arduino libraries folder and download and install fresh using the links on the sketch provided by Edwin.

When you have the Uno programmed and the two shields connected (but no sensors yet) you'll get a nice error message at startup:

no baro.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* no baro.JPG (167.18 kB. 350x344 - viewed 6626 times.)
Stay calm and follow the screaming people.

Offline ShiFu

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2017, 03:10:49 PM »
STEP THREE The Data Shield - The Fiddly Bit

This is where you will spend the most of your assembly time. And before you solder anything, think twice or three times.
Space on the board is limited and the components need to be soldered in order because some will be hidden under other components.

First, remove the battery before soldering anything and carefully note which way the battery needs to be reinserted.
I ordered 3 shields and only one came with the battery properly inserted - 2 were upside down.
That caused them to discharge and they had to be replaced. I doubt there is a charging circuit for the battery on the data shield.

I noticed that without the battery my sensor offsets were not saved to memory. I got crazy sensor readings on each startup without the battery and the menu's offsets were always way, way off of what I thought was stored after a power cycle. And of course the Real Time Clock reset itself to zero.


It is now time for us to add the barometer and then the two thermometers. And we'll use the RGB sketch to troubleshoot the installation.

We'll be trying to get to this before thinking about turning on the soldering iron:

begin data shield.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* begin data shield.JPG (288.01 kB. 350x281 - viewed 6693 times.)
Stay calm and follow the screaming people.

Offline ShiFu

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2017, 04:59:04 AM »
Take the barometer PCB and straighten out the pins:

IMG_0282.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* IMG_0282.JPG (67.13 kB. 350x278 - viewed 6466 times.)

IMG_0283.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* IMG_0283.JPG (115.82 kB. 350x341 - viewed 4265 times.)

IMG_0284.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* IMG_0284.JPG (114.6 kB. 350x326 - viewed 4210 times.)

Then cut off the unnecessary pins:

remove unnecessary pins.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* remove unnecessary pins.JPG (101.94 kB. 350x341 - viewed 4239 times.)

UNO R3    BMP280
5V            5V
GND         GND
SCL (A5)   SCK
SDA (A4)   SDI

Leave the other pins disconnected.

bmp280 sch.png The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* bmp280 sch.png (33.43 kB. 350x268 - viewed 3940 times.)
Stay calm and follow the screaming people.

Offline ShiFu

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #6 on: September 22, 2017, 07:44:16 AM »
You will be connecting the BMP280's 5V pin to the 5V on the Uno.
Also the Gnd pin of the baro to Gnd on the Uno.
The baro SCK goes to Uno A5 and SDI goes to Uno A4.

But if you solder it now you are screwed. You need to get the little bits like resistors and stuff soldered to the board first.

solder1.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* solder1.JPG (178.25 kB. 350x338 - viewed 4237 times.)

solder2.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* solder2.JPG (159.08 kB. 350x241 - viewed 4294 times.)

solder3.jpg The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* solder3.jpg (184.54 kB. 350x228 - viewed 4296 times.)

done-bottom.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* done-bottom.JPG (162.85 kB. 350x340 - viewed 4260 times.)

Bend the barometer's pins over and solder the connections.
done-top.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* done-top.JPG (177.1 kB. 350x252 - viewed 4224 times.)

DS18B20 sensor
4K7 (4.7K) resistor
Red = 5v
Black = Gnd
Yellow = Data

dallas wiring.jpg The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* dallas wiring.jpg (30.57 kB. 350x285 - viewed 3952 times.)

NOTE: The jury is still out on if the 4.7K resistors are needed or not.
I'm hoping we have a definitive answer soon.
Stay calm and follow the screaming people.

Offline ShiFu

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #7 on: September 22, 2017, 08:25:56 AM »
STEP FOUR - Putting It All Together

Now assemble your Uno + data shield with barometer but don't attach the thermometers yet.
(Go ahead and install the RTC battery.)

This time the "No Barometer" error message should not appear if you soldered it together properly.

And now you should be greeted by the Splash Screen that is quickly followed by 'Sensor error' because no DS18B20 thermometer sensors are connected yet.

splash screen.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* splash screen.JPG (197.55 kB. 350x255 - viewed 4215 times.)

no thermometers.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* no thermometers.JPG (202.67 kB. 350x258 - viewed 4149 times.)

Power down and attach one sensor and power up again. If you get a temperature reading on the top line of the LCD you are measuring with the Column sensor.
If you get a temperature reading on the bottom line of the LCD you are measuring with the Boiler sensor.

Now connect both DS18B20's to the data shield. Power up and enjoy your new marvel.
It is now a Fully Functional eParrot.

2sensors.png The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* 2sensors.png (181.27 kB. 350x262 - viewed 4279 times.)

Edit: Couldn't squeeze in the aviation type connectors to this project enclosure so I opted to save them for a different project. 
Just drill a hole and wire direct to the PCB screw terminals.
Stay calm and follow the screaming people.

Offline ShiFu

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #8 on: September 22, 2017, 08:45:30 AM »
Now spend some time playing with all the settings and reading through the manual.

With luck you should have your RGB eParrot enclosure already printed and you are eager to but your new parrot in its pretty box.

And that, my patient friends, will take us to the final step of this build...

Stay calm and follow the screaming people.

Offline ShiFu

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #9 on: September 22, 2017, 08:56:47 AM »
STEP FIVE - Cage This Bird

This is the crowd pleaser. Wrapping chunky electronics in a slick case. What's not to like?!

Jeff's enclosure build thread is here.  The download for the 3D print files are here.

Locate where you will drill the holes for the sensor cables. I put one on bottom for the boiler and one on top for the column. Drill the holes the same size as the cable and it will not move around.

Next, snap the Uno into place, carefully insert the data shield, and feed the sensor cables through.
You can now connect the wires to the screw terminals. Keep in mind that Data Pin 7 is for the boiler and so it should lead towards the bottom of the enclosure.

encl 1.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* encl 1.JPG (132.53 kB. 350x262 - viewed 4161 times.)

Insert the microSD card extension ribbon into the data shield, it will make an obvious clicking sound when inserted.
A 2 GB SD card is probably much more than you would ever need.

encl 2.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* encl 2.JPG (122.81 kB. 350x262 - viewed 4080 times.)

Insert the RGB LCD shield, carefully covering the SD ribbon.
Now is a good time to put the printed button arrows on the buttons.

encl 3.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* encl 3.JPG (122.06 kB. 350x262 - viewed 4135 times.)

Thread the SD socket into the keeper on the enclosure lid. Carefully line up the buttons before snapping everything into place.

encl 4.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* encl 4.JPG (131.31 kB. 350x262 - viewed 4086 times.)

Snap the bezel into place and go right now and pour yourself a cold one.

encl 5.JPG The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* encl 5.JPG (117.1 kB. 350x262 - viewed 4106 times.)
I'm thinking I like silver buttons on the black parrot.
Stay calm and follow the screaming people.

Offline ShiFu

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2017, 12:13:34 PM »
Thank you all for your patience while I was cataloging this eParrot build.

The bar is now open. Come on in and post away.  :D
Stay calm and follow the screaming people.

Offline ketel3

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #11 on: September 22, 2017, 01:38:35 PM »
Thanks Edwin Jeff and Shifu,
I think after the fine explanation it must be possible to build it step by step.

All other build where fine too but sometimes with isues for noobs like me to complicated .

Cheers K3
« Last Edit: September 22, 2017, 01:52:42 PM by ketel3 »
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Offline ShiFu

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2017, 05:18:09 PM »
Looks like Edwin has been busy as ever and I've just now updated my RGB eParrot to his latest sketch.

It includes a few nice things like a pressure sensor for the boiler, an extra DS18B20 for sensing if your cooling water is too hot (I like that!). Plus numerous other updates so its always best to stay current with Edwin.

To disable those alarms solder a wire from A1 to GND (for boiler pressure) and a wire from A2 to GND (for the missing temperature sensor).
You can easily do this by soldering jumper wires on the RGB shield:

to add jumpers.png The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
* to add jumpers.png (118.5 kB. 350x217 - viewed 4111 times.)

I'm not sure about the boiler pressure sensor for my needs since I don't distill anything that can clog the column but I certainly do understand that other folks have had disasters from clogged columns so that sensor (and alarm) would be right up their alley.

BUT I will very soon be modifying my brand spanking new RGB eParrot to accommodate the extra DS18D20 temperature sensor so I can keep tabs on my product condenser. I've had several close calls over the years and this is definitely on my To Do list.
Stay calm and follow the screaming people.

Offline ShiFu

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2017, 08:22:30 PM »
The alarms that Edwin provided have always been great - I just didn't understand how to set and use them. My bad.
Here are some things I've learned lately and will be working on presenting tomorrow..

Blue screen= silent alarm with red color flashing
Green screen= buzzer with red color flashing
White (or very light blue?) = no alarm

Set the parrot's menu presets for the alarms with FORES being 1 on the menu list.
As each preset temperature is reached you will get an alarm depending on the screen color you have chosen.
(I'll explain in more detail later about the presets and how the alarms work).
Then press the right arrow key once to:
(1) deactivate that alarm and
(2) advance to the next preset alarm temperature and
(3) ready the next preset alarm to activate.

Yep, all that with a single button press.
It is sometimes hard to remember that this is an Arduino sketch because it runs so effortlessly - embedded on my $3 Uno.

Edwin's Arduino sketch is crazy good and I'll need some time to document and present it to you here, so have some faith and be patient. I'll probably get to it soon, maybe even as soon as tomorrow or next week or year-- but not later than that!!

Alarm presets are one of the coolest features of the RGB eParrot.
And there are other features that we will explore later, like sensor calibration  ;)

Stay tuned as this leads us to The Next Step in our RGB eParrot adventure.
Stay calm and follow the screaming people.

Offline ShiFu

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2017, 07:56:29 AM »
I realize that the manual needs to be its own topic or it will confuse this build thread.

So to RTFM click here.
Stay calm and follow the screaming people.

Offline YHB

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2017, 10:18:30 AM »
Well done everybody -  It's looking good. :D

Shifu, now you have the possibility of four sensor cables into the parrot. That may be a lot to manage in a small space and may not look very elegant. Have you considered a multi core cable / wiring harness type installation? I am sure that is the way I will be going when the last piece of my kit arrives :(

Just;  One 5V connection, One Ground, One core to each of the three temperature sensors and One to the boiler pressure sensor = One six core cable.

Edwin; to make allowance for your future possible thoughts / developments, do you intend to add the sensors alarms for vapour vent / and reflux condensor temperature that you have discussed previously? I may need to to source some eight core cable  ;)
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Offline ketel3

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #16 on: September 23, 2017, 10:03:53 PM »
What about the micro sd card,is it just a option or is a part of the running program located on it ? in other words can you leave the sd card out? and upgrade later if you want your data logged?

Silly question maybe but I'm not familiar with the stuf,and soon others will check out this topic too with poor knowledge like me.  ???

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Offline Edwin Croissant

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2017, 12:02:36 AM »
Edwin; to make allowance for your future possible thoughts / developments, do you intend to add the sensors alarms for vapour vent / and reflux condensor temperature that you have discussed previously? I may need to to source some eight core cable  ;)

I'm not intending to add any more external sensors.
I got now:
  • Vapor temperature
  • Boiler temperature
  • Condenser vent 1
  • Condenser vent 2 (not yet implemented, only for VM)
  • Boiler pressure
This is about the maximum the Uno can handle regarding flash space.
I think that you need a larger display (more characters) if you want to show cooling water in and outlet temperatures etc.

What about the micro sd card,is it just a option or is a part of the running program located on it ? in other words can you leave the sd card out? and upgrade later if you want your data logged?

You only need a SD card to log, if there is no card the program will say: No card if you attempt to log.

Offline ketel3

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2017, 12:13:46 AM »
Thanks Edwin,
Another question,
You need  a uno R3  but there are 2 versions on the Robodyn  page if you look down the page :
UNO R3 CH340G (R3-ATmega168/CH340G)    $2.89
UNO R3 CH340G (R3-ATmega328/CH340G)    $3.19

The link in the explanation here brings you to the $ 2.89  version but is that the correct one as maybe the memory of that one is to small ?
rgds K3
EDIT: You wrote the mega 328 is needed,so one should order the correct one. :)
Better bad weather than no weather

Offline Edwin Croissant

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Re: The RGB - World's Most Advanced eParrot
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2017, 12:28:39 AM »
Thanks Edwin,
Another question,
You need  a uno R3  but there are 2 versions on the Robodyn  page if you look down the page :
UNO R3 CH340G (R3-ATmega168/CH340G)    $2.89
UNO R3 CH340G (R3-ATmega328/CH340G)    $3.19

The link in the explanation here brings you to the $ 2.89  version but is that the correct one as maybe the memory of that one is to small ?
rgds K3
EDIT: You wrote the mega 328 is needed,so one should order the correct one. :)

That was a close one, just updated the page  ;D