eParrot Distilling Forum

General => General Discussion => Topic started by: ShiFu on March 13, 2016, 09:08:27 AM

Title: Moving Sale is a possibility
Post by: ShiFu on March 13, 2016, 09:08:27 AM
We leave our sleepy little Yangzhou in a few days to try and find a suitable (and affordable) warehouse in the Shenzhen area. We'll be there for a week.   
If successful on this trip, we'll begin preparations for the move. It will be a massive undertaking.   

We're thinking, should we be successful in finding warehouse space, to offer up lots and lots of our existing inventory to registered members here at our cost, plus shipping of course, to avoid having to transport and store so much.   

I'll keep you posted.  You may want to start gathering your loose coins together and wish us luck.   
For example:   
A $300 to $600 retail GB4 gin basket kit, that retail price depends upon which greedy SD distributor that knocked off my GB4, maybe could be had for as little as $135 plus shipping. 

None of this will actually happen if we can't locate a suitable warehouse, so keep those fingers crossed.   
IF we do actually accomplish the task of renting the new warehouse, the clock starts ticking and we'll need to begin the move as soon as possible so custom orders will not be available during that time.
Title: Re: Moving Sale is a possibility
Post by: Myles on March 13, 2016, 10:23:53 AM
Please show your stock list. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Moving Sale is a possibility
Post by: cyclops2 on March 13, 2016, 02:06:25 PM
Yeh show the stock list please :) I am in the market to replace my Boka. Thinking 4" plated still with bubble caps. Gin basket sounds cool too :)

Good luck on the move
Title: Re: Moving Sale is a possibility
Post by: wiifm on March 13, 2016, 02:14:41 PM
All the best for finding your new space ShiFu.
Title: Re: Moving Sale is a possibility
Post by: Zuliero on March 14, 2016, 07:42:20 PM
I wish you success in your quest! Aside from making your visa renewal procedure much easier, will it also be an upgrade in your quality of life? (+1 on the stock list) ;D
Title: Re: Moving Sale is a possibility
Post by: ShiFu on March 15, 2016, 01:25:25 PM
Thanks for the well-wishes. We'll be disappointed if we come back empty handed and need to book another week-long trip to there.   
Hard to say if one week is enough or not.   

We have about 35 or so GB4 kits all boxed and ready. That's about the only thing that jumps out as taking a lot of room. Many hundreds of element guards, bubble caps, etc... but they are also boxed and don't take much space. 
I'm not wanting to make a list until after we actually find a place to move to.   

Yes, Zuliero, it will be an upgrade to our lifestyle. Shenzhen and its close city, Guangzhou, are the powerhouses of southern China. The visa shuffle should only take a couple of hours instead of a couple of days. But more important, it is a sub-tropical climate there - like the city I grew up in, Houston, Texas. 
I've just endured the longest, coldest winter of my life (a freak year as winters are usually much milder in my current city). 
My visa shuffle routine has included a large plastic bag. The closer I get to Shenzhen the more layers of clothing go into the bag. I leave Yangzhou wearing at least 3 layers and by the time I'm in the Shenzhen taxi I'm dressed like the driver - short pants, short sleeves and no socks. And gawking at the flowers in full bloom - in January! 

Title: Re: Moving Sale is a possibility
Post by: Zuliero on March 15, 2016, 06:35:32 PM
I reckon it's hard to beat subtropical climate! The way I see it, it's much better to invest in cold beers than in cubic meters of burning wood (I had my fair share of that this winter and it's not over yet) ;D
Title: Re: Moving Sale is a possibility
Post by: ShiFu on March 15, 2016, 06:44:47 PM
Hoping to feel my toes soon. 
It has been months since there was any sensation.   
Cold is cold, but damn, I dance around like a moron after a morning shower until I have my layers of clothes on.   
It ain't a pretty sight.   

Title: Re: Moving Sale is a possibility
Post by: Myles on March 28, 2016, 12:03:52 PM
ShiFu, even if there is no discount with the move to the new warehouse,  ;) (congratulations on finding somewhere suitable) have you got any of the small boilers in stock?

I am looking at options for a small apartment sized rig as it looks like I will be staying where I am for some time.
Title: Re: Moving Sale is a possibility
Post by: bachman on March 28, 2016, 07:15:02 PM
Looking for a 200 liter jacketed boiler, if you have one and don't want to move it
Title: Re: Moving Sale is a possibility
Post by: ShiFu on March 28, 2016, 11:10:16 PM
Sorry guys, I don't stock any boilers or milk cans. Those take up so much room, are so costly, and the customer (or distributor) always wants to customize them so they are always made to order.   

Mostly I stock the stuff that takes a very long time to produce. If I can have it made in 3 or 4 weeks I don't usually need to inventory it. Some items can take 3 or 4 months to produce so I try to keep those in stock. SGKs, GB4s, ProCaps... stuff like that take a long time.   
Tees, reducers, pipes, etc... usually need only 2 or 3 weeks to have almost any quantity made so I don't keep much of that on the shelf.   

Oftentimes I face the minimum order, things like copper plates, perf plates, filter discs, etc... can only be produced in quantities of several hundred pieces so those items tend to grace the shelving for a long, long time.   And when an item like that starts to finally run low I have to decide if its worth it to produce them again or to discontinue that item.   
With over 400 items that we vend I'm always looking at culling the slow movers.   

The little extra space that we'll gain with the new warehouse should take away some of the strain of keeping up with what we already have.